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Confetti Gardens is a not-for-profit voluntarily run blog. The aim is to, step by step, reach one million people and to each free up one square metre of space - of course it can also be more - either on our balconies or in our gardens, our friends’, parents’ or grandparents’ gardens. The goal is to start with one spare square metre in which we plant bee-friendly flowers, herbs or vegetables. 


Are you up for making a contribution towards biodiversity and planting some pollinator friendly plants?



What would a world without busy buzzing bees and colourful flowers look like? 


The agricultural industry is - to a large extent - responsible for a decrease in biodiversity of plants and pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, wasps and moths. 


Confetti Gardens' mission is to tackle the mass extinction together, and to be part of the solution: If everyone starts to plant a square metre, or more, for the bees and other pollinators, we contribute to keeping them and their biodiverse habitats alive. 


Confetti Gardens is aiming to inspire plant growers, hobby gardeners, adults, children, both beginners and experienced alike, to re-wild the spaces that surround us. The mission is to turn greenery, gardens and balconies into havens for pollinators, bees and butterflies and to grow plants that attract more wildlife. This website is a space to share tips and to inspire each other. 


Let’s get started and take over unused spaces, big or small and turn them into colourful patches with a life of their own. Let us provide a haven for bees and butterflies. 

Click below on the gardening boots to get going.


Read More About Why Confetti Gardens exists 


The project Confetti Gardens has arisen from the urgent feeling to help our planet and wildlife in times of crisis. Not only is the climate of our Earth suffering heavily but so is its biodiversity – the variation of the genetics of species, and also of ecosystems.

The motivation in creating this space arises from the concern about the future of pollinators and the variety of the plants that inhabit our planet and its eco systems.


Agricultural industries are knowingly wiping out countless varieties of plants that have inhabited the planet alongside us. Farming within monocultures often means the use of modern techniques, the use of herbicides and pesticides and, therefore, the pollution of soil, which is poison for humans and animals and a threat to the biodiversity of our mutually shared home planet Earth. 






Every person can have an impact on keeping the habitats of our planet a little bit more alive and in balance. It starts with simple questions such as: Do I seal my garden surface? Do I cultivate non-biodiverse plants, like for example a perfectly kept, neatly cut lawn? Do I grow non-endemic plants (this means plants which are non-regional or non-native to our environment or climate zone)? Can I grow on my balcony in order to invite more wildlife and grow plants that are nectar-rich for hungry pollinators? Do I convince my friends or family to change their garden structure? Do I occupy a square metre in my own or in my friends' or family's garden and make it more biodiverse? Do I buy products that have a positive impact on the preservation of wildlife?


The initiative Confetti Gardens was brought into life because I am determined to draw attention to little ways in which we, as consumers, can all make a small but significant difference: Growing more diverse plants in our gardens, the rest - hence wildlife - will follow automatically.




The articles on the blog page aim to make plant growing appealing to as many people as possible and aim to show you how easy it can be to grow bee friendly plants and flowers.


The Confetti Gardens Instagram online community is continuously growing and I am building a platform that enables people who share a similar sense of responsibility for our planet’s biodiversity, to connect and to share knowledge.


This is an OPEN CALL to everyone - gardening beginners and experienced alike, wildflower lovers and future-proof heirloom plant preservers, who rebel against hybrid varieties! Let's call out to the young and the old, call out to students who go on the streets with Fridays For Future or Extinction Rebellion. Our home planet and its' wildlife and biodiversity need us all. Let's all join in and help the planet, let's tackle destruction and let us all take over and free up unused spaces around us to make them more colourful and biodiverse.


Confetti Gardens is on a mission to inspire - filling the spaces around us with biodiverse plants in order to help pollinators, to help the climate and to help save the variety of living beings that our planet has to offer. 



If you have no idea where or how to begin planting, I'd love to help you in getting started. If you are looking for more input and gardening inspiration to 'dig deeper', Confetti Gardens provides a blog with new monthly articles and plant portraits. All featured plants are easy to grow and pollinator-friendly and are put together in order for you to acquire knowledge and skills to take gardening for wildlife to the next level.

If you're new to the gardening scene, the first step is to choose a little patch in which you grow - this can be in your garden or the front of your house, a patio or balcony. Cultivating your very own biodiverse flowers and vegetables is so much easier than you might think it is right now. 


If you have never grown anything before, don't be shy to ask for help. Click below to get going. It’s going to be an experiment, it’s going to be fun, bright, colourful, beautiful and buzzing!


Let’s make it happen!

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