Hi! Happy New Year dear plant lovers! We are pleased that you are here and would like to welcome you to the first 'Letters from the Garden' issue of 2021 in which we present our plant portrait number eight: the kale.
We absolutely LOVE growing and eating this SUPER healthy vegetable. It's an absolute star within the brassica family, healthy and rich in vitamins, easy to grow - also for gardening beginners - and a really beautifully blossoming pollinator-friendly plant.
In this issue you will find a plant portrait of the kale, cultivation tips, and recommendations of beneficial companion plants. We will also share one of our favourite recipes with you.
We hope that you enjoy issue number eight and would love to hear your feedback!
As always, let us know if you have any questions or requests for future plant portraits.

You can download the # issue no eight as a PDF document in English or German below.
See you there, lots of love - humming greetings from the garden post deliverers,
Malin and Franzi

Kale blossom