Sourcing Your Seeds
Confetti Gardens' aim is to make our surroundings - gardens, balconies, windowsills - biodiverse and colourful. This is super easy and effortlessly achievable if we source the right kinds of seeds. I personally set out in my gardening adventures only using open-pollinating seeds (no hybrids!) of mainly heirloom flower and vegetable varieties (heirloom varieties are plants that have been cultivated for generations and are usually not being farmed in a commercial way). I also try to only use organically and sustainably sourced seeds from companies and associations that also ideally advocate the preservation of heirloom plants.
I recommend you to also buy organic and heirloom seeds, since this is super future-focused and, in my opinion, an amazing and sustainable way forward.
If you use F1 hybrid seeds, you may not be able to save sustainable seeds from your plants, depending on what you grow and you may have to buy seeds again for the next gardening season. The plants that grow out of harvested F1 hybrid seeds will become F2 hybrids and are usually sterile and cannot reproduce in the same way as non-hybrid, open pollinating seeds.
If you buy open-pollinating seeds from reliable seed companies, your plants will produce seeds that you will be able to use in many gardening seasons to come. Especially wildflowers will simply self-sow: they will drop their seeds at the end of the gardening season and new seedlings will appear in the next spring. You won't have to do anything but to occasionally pull out unwanted weeds and to water your plants in dry periods. Therefore, it's worth buying seeds from trustworthy and reliable sources. Also because organic seeds were harvested from organic plants, which are a lot less harmful to our environment.

Recommended Seed Suppliers within the UK:
Recommended Seed Suppliers Within Europe:
https://www.bingenheimersaatgut.de/en (Germany)
https://www.nutzpflanzenvielfalt.de/Saatgutliste_gedruckt (Germany)
http://www.prospecierara.ch (Switzerland)
https://shop.arche-noah.at (Austria)
https://seedsofitaly.com (Italy)
https://www.vilmorin-jardin.fr (France)

Further Reading and Associations
http://open-pollinated-seeds.org.uk (UK)
https://www.kew.org/wakehurst/whats-at-wakehurst/millennium-seed-bank (UK)
https://www.zukunftsstiftung-landwirtschaft.de/saatgutfonds/ (Germany)
https://www.opensourceseeds.org/en (Germany)
https://www.nutzpflanzenvielfalt.de (Germany)
https://www.kultursaat.org (Germany)
https://www.prospecierara.ch/pflanzen/sorten-retten.html (Switzerland)
https://www.arche-noah.at/english (Austria)